Produced By:
Jordan B. Gorfinkel

Music Directed By:

Associate Producers: Barry A. Cik, Ronnie Schonzeit
Production Consultant: Dave Matkowsky
Video Director: Stephen Goldstein

Associate Consultants:
Julie Auerbach, Adam Fishman, Sam Glaser, Stephen Goldstein

Cover Design: Cheryl Z. Bogner
Booklet & Interior Design: Jordan B. Gorfinkel
Back Cover & Additional Interior Design: Solomon Nadaf
Cover Photograph: Amy Burzinski Gorfinkel
Chazak Amenu Website Design: Yehuda!

Booklet Photography Courtesy:
Private Collections; ©Davka; ©State Of Israel Photo Collection

VOICES FOR ISRAEL would not have been possible without:
The insight and vision of Bob & Marla Stark;
The generosity and faith of Ronalee & Russell Galbut;
The hospitality and wisdom of Andy & Ronnie Schonzeit
and Reuben & Hindy Taub; and
The patience and understanding of
Amy, Ashira, Eliana & Noam Gorfinkel
and Yael Cik